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Refunds and Returns Policy

Damaged Parts, Returns and Refunds

If parts are damaged or missing in transit:

If a package has been received with damage to the box, or items are missing inside with visible tampering to the packing tape or with incisions to the box, please report it to one of our staff as soon as possibe. Caisvegas Trading will  submit a claim to the shipping service (Carrier) or Postal service. Please note that evidence concerning the damage to the box or evidence of tampering will be required in photo and/or video form. Our staff may request more detailed photos of specific damage to the box or parts. It will take some time for the claim to be processed so we kindly ask for customers to allow time for the claim to be processed, which may take some weeks depending on the cooperation of the recipients.

Caisveagas Trading will either replace the part(s) or offer a refund for the damaged part(s) at the customer's request once the claim has been accepted by the Carrier. Stock can sell out in the time it takes to process the claim so part replacement is dependent on availability. Caisvegas Trading may or may not require the part to be returned in the case of damaged parts.

If parts are wrongly ordered by the customer:

Wrongly ordered parts are the responsibility of the customer. Caisvegas Trading will not accept wrongly ordered parts back for exchange or refund.
If there is any doubt about the compatibility or appearance of a part, please ask one of our friendly staff to assist with confirming the correct part number(s) prior to submitting an order, or prior to making payment. 


If parts have been received but are no longer needed or a return is requested due to other circumstances:

For orders that are received in good condition and correctly supplied, Caisvegas Trading will not accept parts back for a refund if they have already been received by the customer but are no longer required due to changing circumstances. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

For instances where a request is received from the customer to cancel the ordered part(s) after the parts have been received at the Caisvegas Trading warehouse, a 50% restocking fee will be deducted from the price of each cancelled part in the order. The restocking fee covers the cost of adding parts to Caisvegas Trading's stock unintentionally which have little to no chance of selling in a reasonable timefame. 

If parts are wrongly supplied or part numbers are wrongly advised by Caisvegas Trading:

We will ask the customer to return the part to Caisvegas Trading in as new condition in its undamaged packaging and the correct part will be sent at no charge to the customer. Caisvegas Trading will refund the return postage charge upon receipt of the wrongly supplied part in as new condition and part is sent back according to Caisvegas Trading's accepted return shipment method.

If parts cannot be installed due to a modification to the vehicle:

Parts that cannot be installed because the vehicle has been modified (either by the current or previous owner) are regarded as wrongly ordered parts and therefore will not be accepted back for refund or exchange. Clients are advised to inform our staff of any modifications or that the part is intended to be installed to a another part that is suspected to be modified, not standard equipment or a non-genuine replacement part.


The car manufacturers (and therefore Caisvegas Trading) will not take back wrongly ordered parts for refund or return/exchange. It is imperative to ensure the parts are correct before making payment. Caisvegas Trading takes no responsibility for parts that are supplied correctly according to the order and the order confirmed by the customer at the time of payment, but later found to be wrongly ordered by the customer.​​​​​​



如果收到的包裹包裝盒損壞,或內部物品缺失,包裝帶明顯被篡改或包裝盒有切口,請盡快向我們的工作人員報告。 Caisvegas Trading 將向運輸服務(承運人)或郵政服務提交索賠。請注意,需要提供照片和/或影片形式的有關盒子損壞或篡改證據的證據。我們的工作人員可能會要求提供有關盒子或零件的特定損壞的更詳細的照片。處理索賠需要一些時間,因此我們懇請客戶留出時間來處理索賠,這可能需要幾週的時間,具體取決於收件人的配合情況。

一旦承運人接受索賠,Caisveagas Trading 將根據客戶的要求更換零件或為損壞的零件提供退款。庫存可能會在處理索賠所需的時間內售完,因此零件更換取決於供應情況。如果零件損壞,Caisvegas Trading 可能會也可能不會要求退回零件。


錯誤訂購的零件由客戶負責。 Caisvegas Trading 不接受退回錯誤訂購的零件以換貨或退款。


對於收到的狀態良好且供應正確的訂單,如果客戶已收到零件但因情況變化而不再需要,Caisvegas Trading 將不接受退回零件並進行退款。非常感謝您的理解與合作。

如果在 Caisvegas Trading 倉庫收到零件後收到客戶取消訂購零件的請求,則將從訂單中每個取消零件的價格中扣除 50% 的補貨費。補貨費用涵蓋了無意中在 Caisvegas Trading 的庫存中添加零件的成本,這些零件幾乎沒有機會在合理的時間內出售。

如果 Caisvegas Trading 錯誤提供零件或錯誤告知零件編號:

我們將要求客戶將零件以全新狀態、包裝完好無損地退回 Caisvegas Trading,並將正確的零件免費發送給客戶。 Caisvegas Trading 將在收到完好無損的錯誤供應零件後退還退貨郵費,並且零件將根據 Caisvegas Trading 接受的退貨運輸方式寄回。




汽車製造商(以及 Caisvegas Trading)不會收回錯誤訂購的零件進行退款或退貨/換貨。付款前必須確保零件正確。對於按照訂單正確供應的零件以及客戶付款時確認的訂單但後來客戶發現錯誤訂購的零件,Caisvegas Trading 不承擔任何責任。

Payment Methods
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